Sunday, July 19, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Make money online
There are hundreds of ways we can use to make money online with a website or even blog without spending any money. Here are some of best ways ( that many are using or doing ) to make money online without spending a single cent:
Create a website/blog
If you already have a website/blog already, you are one step closer to making money online without any investment. If you don’t have one, start thinking over it. First of all chose a niche in which you can work as an expert and you are knowledgeable about. You should choose a niche you are passionate about and can write long posts without feeling bored. Once you have decided the niche or topic for your first website, go to is a blogging service owned by Google where we can create our blogs free of cost and with ease. We don’t need any programming or HTML knowledge before starting our first blog on (If you face any problem in starting your first blog on Blogger, let me know in the comment section, I will help you setting up your first blog properly.)
Build Traffic
Once you have started your first blog without paying any penny on, give your blog a good Title, Description (optional) and chose a good looking template for your blog. If you don’t like the templates available on website, spend some time in searching templates for blogger. Once you are finished with all this, its time to build traffic on it. Create a rough list of topics that you have in your mind right now that you want to write about on your blog. Once you have finished writing about first topic for your blog, publish it immediately on your blog. This way goes on creating quality content pieces and publishing on your blog. You should aim at adding 3-4 articles at least on weekly basis on your blog and if you have more spare time, you can aim at adding one article per day. And Click here to know more ways to build traffic to your website or blog.
After doing some hard work on your blog, you will see some traffic starts coming on your blog. And if you continue writing more quality posts about your niche, you can expect more traffic coming to your blog. Now you have traffic on your blog, its time to look for ways to make money online from it.
Here are some tips that will help you make money online without any investment. To implement some of tips, you must have a website or blog in place which you can create for free on And to implement rest of the tips, you even don’t need a website or even blog:
Google Adsense: if you already have a Gogole Adsense account adds Adsense widgets into your blog and start earning money immediately. And if you don’t have an adsense account, apply for Google Adsense account now with your best website/blog. Google takes 3-4 business days to approve an Adsense account. Once you have got your adsense account approval from Google, add Google adsense widgets in your blog header, footer, sidebar or in the content section where you want to place them. But don’t fill your blog with too much of adsense widgets.
Affiliate links: spend some time on and kind of affiliate websites to find some products about the niche you are blogging about or you have an established website. Once you find some products directly or someway related to your niche, add textual and banner links with your affiliate links in your blog/website.
Paid blogging: Join some paid blogging network like ReviewMe, SponsoredReviews, Smorty or PayPerPost and start earning money with them instantly. With these network, you can make $5 to $100 or more for each paid post that you write for their advertisers.
Selling text links: You can even make good amount of money with your blog by selling some text and banner links on your blog. You can sell these these links directly if you have a popular blog or can use some text link selling networks.
Writing content: there are many websites who are eager to pay you for writing quality content with the knowledge you have about your topic. Some websites where you can submit your content to earn some money even if you don’t have a website are,,
Create topical pages: If you are an expert about a niche, why don’ you start creating a knowledge house about your niche or the topic you are most knowledgeable about. Some of websites where you can create your topical pages for free are, and Google Knol. You can make money with these topical pages by using Google Adsense or any affiliate program your topic matches with. You can link your content and include some affiliate images as well from Clickbank, Amazon, eBay or whichever affiliate program you use if there are some products related to your niche for sale on these affiliate websites.
Survey filling websites: spend some time on internet to find survey filling websites that actually pays. Most of survey filling websites pays into your paypal account. If you don’t have a paypal account, create a paypal account now. You have to create an account with most of survey filing websites and answer some easy question in one or two lines. And once you have reached the minimum payout, you will get the money you earned by filling surveys into your paypal account.
Paid to surf websites: as the name shows ‘paid to surf’, there are many websites that are willing to pay you some money for surfing their websites are doing some specific tasks like clicking some links or spending some fixed amount of time on a webpage.
So start following these techniques to make money online without any investment even if you don’t have a website of your own. Most of these techniques will work with free blogs created on and some even don’t require any website or blog like Writing content, Create topical pages, Survey filling websites and paid to suft websites
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
making money by using paypal
Many do know that Paypal is the fastest and safest tool available today on the internet for transferring money. You will rarely find a website that doesn’t use Paypal as an option for transferring money. And there are some websites even who accepts only paypal as the mode of money transfer. If you don’t have a paypal account, you can create it within few minutes time. To create a paypal account, all you need is just an e-mail address which is working. So create an account on paypal today to catch lots of money making opportunities that are just waiting for you.
Here are many ways we blogger can use paypal to make money online from our blogs:
Blogging - Creating blogs has not been difficult these days because you don’t need to be technically strong to create a blog. One can create a blog on any of blogging platform for free in just few minutes time. Blogger and Wordpress are the top Blogging platforms anyone can use to create to create his/her blog. People normally create blogs to post their articles/thoughts or what ever they want. And when you have a blog, you can use it to make money with paypal. You can To make money by writing reviews for other people and their websites, selling products, Referral programs and by filling online surveys.
Affiliate product selling - There are many companies who are willing to pay you some amount if you are able to sell their products and services via your blog. Most of the product selling websites pays you via check, paypal and direct bank deposit. With these kinds of websites, you will earn some fixed commission for every sale that is made via your blog.
Online paid surveys - Paid surveys are the easiest and fastest way to make money even if you don’t have a blog/website. Most of the online paid surveys sites transfer money via paypal or Check.
Paid blogging - There are many paid blogging networks on the internet that are ready to pay you if you manage to write some content for their advertisers. Linkworth, Smorty, SponsoredReviews and payperpost are among top paid blog networks where you will need to submit your blog before you get an opportunity to write for their advertisers. All of these blogging networks support paypal as the mode of money transfer.
Selling text link ads - If you manage to get some real page rank and authority for your blog, then you can think of selling text link ads on your blog. Textlinkads is the biggest text link selling marketplace that sends the payments on the first of every month and Check, Paypal and Payoneer are mode this company uses for sending money to its publishers.
So start making money online now by creating an account on Paypal with your blog/website.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
How to receive money into your paypal account daily...
Make money on paypal and its easy...
You have most likely seen or heard about this project
on TV programs such as 20/20 and Oprah or you may
have read about it in the Wall Street Journal. If not,
here it is below - revealed to you step-by-step, in
detail. This program is by no means new. It has been
in existence in many forms for at least a decade. But
in the early days it required a lot more time and
effort, as well as an investment of a few hundred
dollars. However, thanks to PayPal and the Internet,
the investment is now virtually ZERO! And what's more,
the entire process is FASTER, EASIER and MORE LUCRATIVE
than it has EVER been!
Making Money - This Really Does Works. Keep in mind that everything stated below is 100% legal as stated by the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161).

A little while back, I was browsing through money making message boards, just like you are now and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! Anyway it said that you have to send $1.00 to each of the following names on the list, stated at the end of this article using PayPal. You don"'"t have to be preferred or verified to transfer and receive money so you lose no money through transfers. Now honestly, what is six dollars, especially out of a PayPal account. In exchange you will make thousands in the first few months. You then place your own name and e-mail address at the bottom of the list at #6 and post the article on at least 200 newsgroups or on money making message boards (There are thousands of newsgroups).
No catch, that was it. After thinking it over and talking to a few people, I thought about trying it.
I know that you have seen this on Oprah or even received numerous messages about this simple program and have probably just deleted them, I know I have but for some unknown reason this time I decided to give it a try.
Please give it an honest effort, you will not be disappointed and will be very glad you did when it starts to work. Remember, all you are going to be out of pocket is about the cost of a couple of coffees with the opportunity of banking thousands of dollars into your PayPal account!
I sent out my measly $6.00 to the six people on the list. Well, GUESS WHAT!!...within 7 days, I started getting $$$$$$$ in my account! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the CASH just kept coming. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $15,060.00 and it's still growing. This is my fourth week now and I have made a total of just over $26,000.00 and it's still coming rapidly.
It's certainly worth $6.00 and 6 minutes to send it out. This program WORKS, all you have to do is try it, and waste some pocket change. You could find six dollars lying around the house. There is absolutely nothing you could lose. Just follow the 3 basic steps below to make thousands in just a few days, weeks or months, it all depends on how many posts of this letter you put on the message boards or send it as e-mails.
Here is how it works:
When you post 200 messages all over the internet, it is estimated that at least 15 people will respond and send you $1.00 ($15.00). Those 15 will post 200 messages each and 225 people send you $1.00 ($225.00). Those 225 people will post 200 messages each and 3,375 people send you $1.00 ($3,375.00). Those 3,375 will post 200 messages each and 759,375 people send you $1.00 ($759,375.00). At this point your name drops off the list but so far you have received $813,615.00.
Note: I'm not saying this is going to make everyone 800 grands but let’s say even if 1 person out of 200 tries this program you are still going to make 40,000 dollars anywhere from 1 month to 6 months max!!!!!!
You can also copy this letter and e-mail it to some of your friends and associates. It’s a guarantee that some of them will be interested and give it a go. The more they do the more you make.
1. Immediately send $1.00 to each of the six people on the list using PayPal and in the comment (Subject) section type "Please add me to your list". Below are the e-mail IDs that you need to transfer the money into:
PayPal accounts to send 1 dollar to:
I have just started this program. I have nothing to lose but $6.00. You can afford that can't you. Let me give you some advice. It is very important that you follow these steps to the letter. You must register with Paypal as a Premier Member. If you do not register this way you will only be able to receive $500.00 per month.
It's certainly worth $6.00 and 6 minutes to send it out. This program WORKS, all you have to do is try it, and waste some pocket change. You could find six dollars lying around the house. There is absolutely nothing you could lose. Just follow the 3 basic steps below to make thousands in just a few days, weeks or months, it all depends on how many posts of this letter you put on the message boards or send it as e-mails.
PayPal accounts to send 1 dollar to:
2. After sending the money to the first 6 people on the list you can remove the name next to the #1 on the list and move the rest of the names up one position (#2 becomes #1, #3 becomes #2 and so on...) Now place your name in the #6 position & save it.
3. After completing the instructions take this letter and go to (Google, Yahoo or MSN.) and type in (Making Money Message boards, Money Message boards, Money forums, Free money forums or anything along the lines of forums). Now start posting your copy of this message at least 200 times to as many unique message boards as you can, or more. The more times you post this at a unique board, the more money you will make.
You can e-mail your message to as many people you can but remember, the more you post and e-mail the more money you make!
Keep a copy of this letter so you can use it a second time. Post it out again in six months but post it with the addresses you receive with each dollar. It will work better the second time.

Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users every day with thousands of those actually joining the internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. If you don't have a PayPal account you can go to the link below and follow the instructions. No worries because it’s totally secure, costs you nothing to set-up and is a very useful way to transfer and more importantly receive money.
You will be amazed every time you check your account to see how much money has been paid into it and this money goes straight in without any deductions. To sign up for PayPal follow the link, just make sure that you use the same e-mail address for your PayPal. Good Luck! And do follow the instructions above...
You have most likely seen or heard about this project
on TV programs such as 20/20 and Oprah or you may
have read about it in the Wall Street Journal. If not,
here it is below - revealed to you step-by-step, in
detail. This program is by no means new. It has been
in existence in many forms for at least a decade. But
in the early days it required a lot more time and
effort, as well as an investment of a few hundred
dollars. However, thanks to PayPal and the Internet,
the investment is now virtually ZERO! And what's more,
the entire process is FASTER, EASIER and MORE LUCRATIVE
than it has EVER been!
Making Money - This Really Does Works. Keep in mind that everything stated below is 100% legal as stated by the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161).

A little while back, I was browsing through money making message boards, just like you are now and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! Anyway it said that you have to send $1.00 to each of the following names on the list, stated at the end of this article using PayPal. You don"'"t have to be preferred or verified to transfer and receive money so you lose no money through transfers. Now honestly, what is six dollars, especially out of a PayPal account. In exchange you will make thousands in the first few months. You then place your own name and e-mail address at the bottom of the list at #6 and post the article on at least 200 newsgroups or on money making message boards (There are thousands of newsgroups).
No catch, that was it. After thinking it over and talking to a few people, I thought about trying it.
I know that you have seen this on Oprah or even received numerous messages about this simple program and have probably just deleted them, I know I have but for some unknown reason this time I decided to give it a try.
Please give it an honest effort, you will not be disappointed and will be very glad you did when it starts to work. Remember, all you are going to be out of pocket is about the cost of a couple of coffees with the opportunity of banking thousands of dollars into your PayPal account!
I sent out my measly $6.00 to the six people on the list. Well, GUESS WHAT!!...within 7 days, I started getting $$$$$$$ in my account! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the CASH just kept coming. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $15,060.00 and it's still growing. This is my fourth week now and I have made a total of just over $26,000.00 and it's still coming rapidly.
It's certainly worth $6.00 and 6 minutes to send it out. This program WORKS, all you have to do is try it, and waste some pocket change. You could find six dollars lying around the house. There is absolutely nothing you could lose. Just follow the 3 basic steps below to make thousands in just a few days, weeks or months, it all depends on how many posts of this letter you put on the message boards or send it as e-mails.
Here is how it works:
When you post 200 messages all over the internet, it is estimated that at least 15 people will respond and send you $1.00 ($15.00). Those 15 will post 200 messages each and 225 people send you $1.00 ($225.00). Those 225 people will post 200 messages each and 3,375 people send you $1.00 ($3,375.00). Those 3,375 will post 200 messages each and 759,375 people send you $1.00 ($759,375.00). At this point your name drops off the list but so far you have received $813,615.00.
Note: I'm not saying this is going to make everyone 800 grands but let’s say even if 1 person out of 200 tries this program you are still going to make 40,000 dollars anywhere from 1 month to 6 months max!!!!!!
You can also copy this letter and e-mail it to some of your friends and associates. It’s a guarantee that some of them will be interested and give it a go. The more they do the more you make.
1. Immediately send $1.00 to each of the six people on the list using PayPal and in the comment (Subject) section type "Please add me to your list". Below are the e-mail IDs that you need to transfer the money into:
PayPal accounts to send 1 dollar to:
I have just started this program. I have nothing to lose but $6.00. You can afford that can't you. Let me give you some advice. It is very important that you follow these steps to the letter. You must register with Paypal as a Premier Member. If you do not register this way you will only be able to receive $500.00 per month.
It's certainly worth $6.00 and 6 minutes to send it out. This program WORKS, all you have to do is try it, and waste some pocket change. You could find six dollars lying around the house. There is absolutely nothing you could lose. Just follow the 3 basic steps below to make thousands in just a few days, weeks or months, it all depends on how many posts of this letter you put on the message boards or send it as e-mails.
PayPal accounts to send 1 dollar to:
2. After sending the money to the first 6 people on the list you can remove the name next to the #1 on the list and move the rest of the names up one position (#2 becomes #1, #3 becomes #2 and so on...) Now place your name in the #6 position & save it.
3. After completing the instructions take this letter and go to (Google, Yahoo or MSN.) and type in (Making Money Message boards, Money Message boards, Money forums, Free money forums or anything along the lines of forums). Now start posting your copy of this message at least 200 times to as many unique message boards as you can, or more. The more times you post this at a unique board, the more money you will make.
You can e-mail your message to as many people you can but remember, the more you post and e-mail the more money you make!
Keep a copy of this letter so you can use it a second time. Post it out again in six months but post it with the addresses you receive with each dollar. It will work better the second time.
Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users every day with thousands of those actually joining the internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. If you don't have a PayPal account you can go to the link below and follow the instructions. No worries because it’s totally secure, costs you nothing to set-up and is a very useful way to transfer and more importantly receive money.
You will be amazed every time you check your account to see how much money has been paid into it and this money goes straight in without any deductions. To sign up for PayPal follow the link, just make sure that you use the same e-mail address for your PayPal. Good Luck! And do follow the instructions above...
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