Many do know that Paypal is the fastest and safest tool available today on the internet for transferring money. You will rarely find a website that doesn’t use Paypal as an option for transferring money. And there are some websites even who accepts only paypal as the mode of money transfer. If you don’t have a paypal account, you can create it within few minutes time. To create a paypal account, all you need is just an e-mail address which is working. So create an account on paypal today to catch lots of money making opportunities that are just waiting for you.
Here are many ways we blogger can use paypal to make money online from our blogs:
Blogging - Creating blogs has not been difficult these days because you don’t need to be technically strong to create a blog. One can create a blog on any of blogging platform for free in just few minutes time. Blogger and Wordpress are the top Blogging platforms anyone can use to create to create his/her blog. People normally create blogs to post their articles/thoughts or what ever they want. And when you have a blog, you can use it to make money with paypal. You can To make money by writing reviews for other people and their websites, selling products, Referral programs and by filling online surveys.
Affiliate product selling - There are many companies who are willing to pay you some amount if you are able to sell their products and services via your blog. Most of the product selling websites pays you via check, paypal and direct bank deposit. With these kinds of websites, you will earn some fixed commission for every sale that is made via your blog.
Online paid surveys - Paid surveys are the easiest and fastest way to make money even if you don’t have a blog/website. Most of the online paid surveys sites transfer money via paypal or Check.
Paid blogging - There are many paid blogging networks on the internet that are ready to pay you if you manage to write some content for their advertisers. Linkworth, Smorty, SponsoredReviews and payperpost are among top paid blog networks where you will need to submit your blog before you get an opportunity to write for their advertisers. All of these blogging networks support paypal as the mode of money transfer.
Selling text link ads - If you manage to get some real page rank and authority for your blog, then you can think of selling text link ads on your blog. Textlinkads is the biggest text link selling marketplace that sends the payments on the first of every month and Check, Paypal and Payoneer are mode this company uses for sending money to its publishers.
So start making money online now by creating an account on Paypal with your blog/website.